We are well versed with the statement “Quality is better than quantity”. As the statement suggests it is better to go for something that the quality is assured rather than something cheaper at a lesser quality. CV distribution strategy has improved over the years and as such so have the CV distributions across the globe. It might be astounding when you put into consideration the price list of various CV distribution companies. You begin to wonder why some are ridiculously cheap, reasonable and some simply exorbitant. However, due to the desire to save the money we own, we find ourselves leaning more into patronizing CV distribution companies that offer a low-price range. Although this seems the plausible choice for most individuals, it turns out that it is highly unbeneficial.
Expensive versus Cheap
There are numerous reasons why an individual considering CV distribution should rather go for the expensive CV distribution services rather than the cheap. However, for this purpose, we would only be focusing on a few.
● Waste of time and resources
It is hard to distinguish the fraudulent companies offering CV distribution service and the cheap ones. This is because most fraudulent companies sway people towards them by offering them unbelievable options at a very ridiculous price. Consequently, most people that patronize them end up wasting their time and funds.
● Fast-paced delivery
Most expensive CV companies usually have a lot of skilled personnel at their service; therefore the cost of the service may tend to be expensive. Cheap CV distribution services are usually slower because they usually employ less staff in a bid to cut cost. This makes the process of CV distribution a tiring experience.
● Guarantee
Expensive CV distribution companies offer guarantee services which cheap CV distribution services do not provide. Note: guarantee of service not guarantee of Job or interview, Job seekers can be assured that they would not only be getting the best possible service but a guarantee from the company. This provides them with assurance and the ability to sit back and relax while the CV distribution does the hard work. But if any company is giving you guarantee of Job than be careful because its not possible in real life.
● Testimonials
CV distribution services are assured of the top reviews and testimonials from expensive companies. As an effect one can be sure that the reviews from the supposed expensive companies are the best. The reputation of expensive companies is sure to precede them as one can get confirmation about the services of the company. Most of times your friend or relatives will recommend the service.
● Wide range of access
Unlike cheap companies who have limited options with the expensive CV distribution service, one can be assured that one’s CV would be circulated across the group. It means you can get jobs regardless of your place and locations.
To get the best service out of a CV distribution company it is important to go for a trusted company. This is because failure to go for the best possible company could result in wastage of time and resources. One shouldn't be swayed by the cheap prices offered but rather look for the best to get an efficient service.
Resume Writing
Posted on:
October 9th, 2019